Nadi Lyrics, Easy to Print and Use, Whatsapp etc.

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Maybe you have landed here searching for Nadi Lyrics song lyrics and chords. You are in the right place.

Here I have detailed down in my best way resources for you to learn and grow with this wonderful song Nadi Lyrics  | Adrian Dewan  | Video, Lyrics.God Bless..

Recommended Reading :
Full list of different Nepali Christian Songs.
Full list of Nepali Christian Karaokes
– Full List of Nepali Christian Praise And Worship Songs
– Full List of Nepali Christian Uplifting Songs

# Nadi lyrics in English

Verse 2
Mandir ko dakchin bata eeuta nadi bagdei cha
Jaha jaha yo nadi pukcha sabai bajdeicha-2
Fal falaune rukh harule kinar bhardei cha
Rashtriyalai yo nadi le niko pardeicha

Verse 3
Salala bagi aayo, adharmalai bagayo,
nadima dharmiktako mo dube churlumei-2
Molai bachan jivan ko khuwau, yesu ko gyaan ma dhani banau
Gupta jivan ma chokho hunna chahanchu, pavitra atma moma aau-2
Jharara jhari aayo, jivan chokho banayo
Jharima dharmikta ko mo bhije luthurkei-2

# Nadi Lyrics in Nepali

# Download , Print and Use 

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# Guitar Chords Tutorial 

Tapaiko Cheuma lyrics, chords and printouts

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# About the Song ” Nadi” 

Song – Nadi
Album – Seasons IV: Suddhikaran Ani Jaagaran
Written and Sung – Adrian Dewan
Music Arrangement/Recording – Prasan Pariyar [ Mint Studio ]
Mixing/Mastering – Robin Chettri
Filming and Editing – Evan Kunwar Rana [ Kairos Studio ]
Flute – Ratna BK
Sarangi – Hemanta Kanchha Rasaily
Madal – Bhuwan Gandharva
Co-Produced by Heart of Jesus Church, Canada [Pastor Puspa Khanal]

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