Ashcharya Tere Lyrics, Chords, Easy to Print, Whatsapp. etc.

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Maybe you have landed here searching for Ashcharya Tere lyrics . You are in the right place. Here I have detailed down in my best way resources for you to learn and grow with this wonderful song Ashcharya Tere, JJerin Andrews & Vinay Umarji | Video, Lyrics, Guitar Chord. God Bless..

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Full list of different Hindi Christian Songs.

# Ashcharya Tere lyrics in English:

# Ashcharya Tere lyrics in Hindi:

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# Guitar Chords Tutorial :

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# About Song “ASHCHARYA TERE” :



  • Lyrics & Composition: Ratan Maheshwari & Geo Verghese
  • Worship Leader 1 & Acoustic Guitar: Jerin Andrews
  • Worship Leader 2: Vinay Umarji
  • Backing Female Vocals: Sharon Ann & Sofia Blesson
  • Music Arrangement: Abel Joseph & Mayur Valvi
  • Keyboards: Mayur Valvi
  • Electric Guitar: Snehal Gamit
  • Bass Guitar: Jay Gamit
  • Drums: Saiju Soman
  • Worship Team: Ratan Maheshwari, Rahul Karelia, Rohit Adwani, Ann Andrews, Bhumi Barot, Ghanshyam Barot, Jason Joseph, Jefferine Suzanne George

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