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Maybe you have landed here searching for the lyrics of CHODHI SANSAR song. You are in the right place. Here I have detailed down in my best way resources for you to learn and grow with this wonderful song CHODHI SANSAR | Sam Shahu | Video, Lyrics, Guitar Chord Tutorials. God Bless..
Recommended Reading :
– Full list of different Nepali Christian Songs.
– Full list of Nepali Christian Karaokes
– Full List of Nepali Christian Praise And Worship Songs
– Full List of Nepali Christian Uplifting Songs
# Chodi Sansar Lyrics in English
Khrista lai boki jeevan ma
krush lai rakhi kandhai ma
Gari afailai inkaar chhodi sansar aaye ma
Jasle malai papai ma angalnu bhayo kakhaima
Unayi yeshu lai jeevan arpan garna aaye ma
Unayi esto prema yeshu le dekhaye
Mrityu ma pareko papi lai bachaye
Adharmi malai kina khai kuni
Dharmikta pahiryaye
Prema niswartha jasle dekhaunu bhayo malai
Unayi yeshu lai mero hridayi chadhauna aaye ma
Urthahin jeevan ma lakshya diye unale
Ananta ko yatra ma malai doryaye
Unayi ko nimti jeunu lai bhani malai bolaye
Bolaunu bhayo jasle yo yatra ma malai
Unayi yeshu ko nimti sansar jitnu hidhay ma
# Chodi Sansar Lyrics in Nepali
ख्रीस्ट लाई बोकी जीवन मा
क्रुस लाई राखि कंधैमा
गरि आफैलाई इन्कार छोड़ी संसार आए म
जसले मलाई पापैमा अंगाल्नु भयो काखैमा
उनाई येशुलाई जीवन अर्पण गर्न आए म
किन यस्तो प्रेम येशुले देखाए
मृत्युमा परेको पापिलाई बचाए
अधर्मी मलाई किन खै कुन्नि
धर्मिक्ता पहिराए
प्रेम निस्वार्थ जसले देखाउनु भयो मलाई
उनै येशुलाई मेरो हृदय चोद़ाउन आए म
अर्थहिन जीवन मा लक्ष दिए उनैले
अनन्त को यात्रा मा मलाई डोर्याए
उनै को निम्ति जिउनलाई भनी मलाई बोलाए
बोलाउनु भयो जसले यो यात्रा मा मलाई
उनै येशु को निम्ति संसार जित्न हिड़े म
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# Guitar Chords Tutorial
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#About Song “Chodi Sansar”
- Chodhi Sansar‘
- Vocal/Lyrics/Music : Sam Shahu
- Music Arrangement : Daniel Gadal (Judah Plows)
- Indian Tungna : Daniel Gadal
- Mixing/Mastering : Robin Chhetri (Judah Plows)
- Sarangi : Manice Gandharva
- Back Vocals : Daniel Gadal
- Audio Production : Judah Plows Studio, Siliguri
- Lyrical Video by Ashesh Dewan and Ronit Thapa
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